Hjortebro skolen
I went to Hjortebro skolen with Loes and Marie (from Belgium). For me this school is the same as in Norway. But it was interesting to see Loes and Maries reaction, and to speak to them about what they found stranged and different from their school system.
And of course the children was wery cute! One girl sendt me a postcard that my boyfriend find home in our mail:)
Favdals skolen
All of us who has spesial needs went to Favdals skolen.
This school in knowned for thier good work for children with spesial needs.
It was really interesting to speak with the headmaster and to see how they have made the school so it will cover every childrens needs.
Fjellstrup børnehus
Mette, Siv and I hade our two weeks practice in Fjellstrup børnehus who is a kindergaten 11 km outside Haderslev.
This kindergarten is in an old house with alot of playrooms and the children is alowd to play were ever they want.
There is 52 children and 9 adults in this kindergarten.
These to weeks was really nice.
The kindergarten was quite the same as in Norway, but we asked alot of questions, took pictures and gatherd information for our papir for Norway.
It was nice to be around children again, and of course we have an edvantage since we can speek with the children.
fredag 2. april 2010
International week
This week we have students wisiting us from Belgium, Germany, Spain, Austria, Portugail.
Manday: Ther was an introduction to the week,. And we learnd some Danish danses in the Gym Hall.
Tuesday: We made a traditional danish lunsjpacked called "smørbrød". And we hade a evening meal together.
Wednesday: International day. Everyone made a presentation from their University.
Thuersday: Class about childrens book. And trip to Ribe. Eurovision song contest!!!
Friday: Music again. Release party, and farewell lunch.
It was a busy and very hyggelig week!!
Manday: Ther was an introduction to the week,. And we learnd some Danish danses in the Gym Hall.
Tuesday: We made a traditional danish lunsjpacked called "smørbrød". And we hade a evening meal together.
Wednesday: International day. Everyone made a presentation from their University.
Thuersday: Class about childrens book. And trip to Ribe. Eurovision song contest!!!
Friday: Music again. Release party, and farewell lunch.
It was a busy and very hyggelig week!!
Citizenship and globalisation
In this class we have among other things talked about what a democratic citizenship is?
- a citizen who has rights and duties
- first right is that of establishing the law
- first duty is that of respecting the law
- primary value: the autonomy of the individual
- ans so on
You have to fight for democracy, you are not borne in to it. They say that the western world is rich because they have democracy, they have not democracy because they are rich.
- a citizen who has rights and duties
- first right is that of establishing the law
- first duty is that of respecting the law
- primary value: the autonomy of the individual
- ans so on
You have to fight for democracy, you are not borne in to it. They say that the western world is rich because they have democracy, they have not democracy because they are rich.
Aesthetic Learning Processes
There are many ways of learning:
- The empirical(learning by doing, learning from and through your body).
- The aesthetical(impressions transformed into meditatded expression)
- The discursive(analytical)
Art class:
We drew selfportret in differt ways. And we also drawed while the teatcher was telling a story.
We played alot. We learned some Danish games, and also games from all the different countries in the Erasmus group.
We were singing, dansing and we also made small performanses in groups.
We joined a projekt with some Danish student about klimafriendly food. And we had to plan a meel, go shopping for the groceries and then of course make the food.
The first day we worked alot in a sircel, playing simple games and warming up.
The secound day we worked with music and masks. And we worked in groups and made a presantation for the rest og the class.
This was right after the easterbreak and we were a litle bit grumpy that we have to travel to Aabenraa for class:)
But this actually turned out too be one of my favorit experiance from this stay.
It was nice to work with our body and express our selfs this way.
And it was nice to work in a group and cooperate on the presantation.
- The empirical(learning by doing, learning from and through your body).
- The aesthetical(impressions transformed into meditatded expression)
- The discursive(analytical)
Art class:
We drew selfportret in differt ways. And we also drawed while the teatcher was telling a story.
We played alot. We learned some Danish games, and also games from all the different countries in the Erasmus group.
We were singing, dansing and we also made small performanses in groups.
We joined a projekt with some Danish student about klimafriendly food. And we had to plan a meel, go shopping for the groceries and then of course make the food.
The first day we worked alot in a sircel, playing simple games and warming up.
The secound day we worked with music and masks. And we worked in groups and made a presantation for the rest og the class.
This was right after the easterbreak and we were a litle bit grumpy that we have to travel to Aabenraa for class:)
But this actually turned out too be one of my favorit experiance from this stay.
It was nice to work with our body and express our selfs this way.
And it was nice to work in a group and cooperate on the presantation.

Mette, Siv hege and I are joining some Danich student in Physical education.
This class reminds me of my own gymclasses in secondary school:)
We had ball games, gymnastics an swimming. For us this classes are fun to joine. But because this class is for theatcher education is not so usefull for us in kindergarden.
Spesial needs:
In these lessons we have talked about how the spesial needs education is in the different countries.
Every country made a presentations from their country.
This is the one we made:
A kindergarten for everyone:
Staff are responsible for ensuring that all children, regardless of their level of functioning, age, gender and family background, feel that they and everyone else in the group are important to the community.
Kindergartens shall provide an environment in which different individuals and different cultural expressions meet with respect for their differences.
Looking at differences and similarities can help to foster understandings and insights.
Encountering something that is different from yourself allows you to develop a positive curiosity about the similarities and differences between people and cultures.
The content of kindergartens must be communicated in a way that allows different children to participate in different ways, in line with their own interests, skills and development levels.
Instead of relocate children with special needs, we adjust the invirement so they can be a natural part of the group.
The physical environment:
Kindergartens’ physical environments shall be designed in such a way that all children have many opportunities to participate actively in play and other activities. The arrangement of the physical environment must take into account that children of different ages, and with different levels of ability, will use the same spaces.
When planning the design of a kindergarten, the societal aim of reducing barriers to people with disabilities must be taken into consideration. The planning, location and construction of new kindergartens should be based on principles of universal access.
This means that products, buildings and outdoor areas shall be designed in such a way that everyone can enjoy them equally without special requirements or tools, in so far as this is possible.
Depending on the childs situation we have diferent posibilities:
Next to the regular staff there is one extra adult who is always next to this child to help him in everyday life.
If there is a child with special needs in the group there can be an extra adult who is there because of the child but it`s not needed to help him with everything, just support him when it`s needed.
One extra adult next to the ragular staff, to help the whole group.
There are children with learning disable, they don`t have an extra adult with them, but is taken out of the grup about two times a week.
Pedagogic- psycoligical- team (ppt):
This is a service the kinderkarten can kontakt if they think they have a child whith spacial needs.
Then the service can come to the kindetrgarten and observe the child. Then the ppt can deside which help the child need.
For example: special pedagogical team that is send in to help.
Special pedagogial team:
Each comunity has a team that containes of f.eks speacial-pedagogs, logopeds.
They travel whithin the comunity to difrent kindergartens to help the children whith special needs
The children which has extra help out of the group get helped by this team.
tirsdag 9. mars 2010
Tourist`s in Copenhagen :)
In the vinterbreak all they Erasmus-student went to Copenhagen! It was a really nice, but cold experience!:) We did alot of sightseeing and just a littlebit shopping,hehe.
I had a really great time, and planing to go back in april, when hopfully there is warmer weather!!
So, thank you all for a nice trip, it wouldent be the same with out YOU! ;)
søndag 14. februar 2010
Comparativ Studies
At school we were talking about stereotypes, and everyone had to come up with a few things that was typical for their country. And here is my result:

You can tell I`m Norwegian because:
- I like skiing and snowboarding
- I have blond hair
- I like to relax at home with my family and friends:)
Is a word you use when your having a nice time with family and friends. It is a very important expresion for the Danish people. The reason is that it is important for them to have hygge. And they like to stay inside, light candels, eat good food and things like that.

For me this is normal, we do the same in Norway. But we call it "koselig":)
On the pictures you see my friend having a hyggelig or koselig time!
At school we were talking about stereotypes, and everyone had to come up with a few things that was typical for their country. And here is my result:
You can tell I`m Norwegian because:
- I like skiing and snowboarding
- I have blond hair
- I like to relax at home with my family and friends:)
Is a word you use when your having a nice time with family and friends. It is a very important expresion for the Danish people. The reason is that it is important for them to have hygge. And they like to stay inside, light candels, eat good food and things like that.
For me this is normal, we do the same in Norway. But we call it "koselig":)
On the pictures you see my friend having a hyggelig or koselig time!
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